"We hide behind sheets of words and sometimes find comfort on wearing them proudly. I have unbowed my bloody head with the things I have killed and revered what I have immortalized. I will continue to shield, maim, murder, pine, ponder and slave over the very words that force itself out of my body but leave its hand clutched on my still beating heart."

-Darrel Pobre

Saturday, April 11, 2009


we were born this way
fully unaware of the light
so we tangle our intestines
into linking chains in the dark
I didn't know how, it just felt right
to know when you are hungry
and I can tell the slightest
form of tension,
the humid breathing
the spiders of your web-like weeping
the silence of your solemn smiles
or even when in mid-thought
your forehead wrinkles into pensive
horizontal columns
and in that short distance
between our blindness
your stifled yawns sounded like thunder
from a thousand horizons
I have screamed your name in Braille
deep enough to have built trenches
and bore valleys

you cup a firefly selfishly in your hands.

8.13 PM.

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