"We hide behind sheets of words and sometimes find comfort on wearing them proudly. I have unbowed my bloody head with the things I have killed and revered what I have immortalized. I will continue to shield, maim, murder, pine, ponder and slave over the very words that force itself out of my body but leave its hand clutched on my still beating heart."

-Darrel Pobre

Monday, August 5, 2013

Not a Touch Typist

we move our fingers when we creep in shadows
without realizing we hit key strokes
sometimes we sit comfortably on space bars
and long pauses are born in exponential succession
without us meaning to
before the next syllable slicks its way sidewards
finger tiptoe-ing even when the caps lock is on
all this careful crawling becomes a silent scandal
of symbols above the number line
appearing with the simple press of the shift key
words are magnified by ampersands and pound signs
and asterisks, compounded by exclamation points
that bleed carbon fingerprints for every
single misstep or touch
the dark hardly hides anything from what we know
of where we've been skimming
and the things we say even without opening our mouths
we click our tongues to hide the sound of our backspacing

4:49 PM
Aug. 5, 2013

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