"We hide behind sheets of words and sometimes find comfort on wearing them proudly. I have unbowed my bloody head with the things I have killed and revered what I have immortalized. I will continue to shield, maim, murder, pine, ponder and slave over the very words that force itself out of my body but leave its hand clutched on my still beating heart."

-Darrel Pobre

Sunday, September 8, 2013


you know how it is

the in-betweens
the interims
the learning curvature
of wanting and needing
and unwanting some more

of missing something 
you've never known

the breaths held
the fingers crossed
the coin-tossed wishes
the wisps of thin candlestick smoke
blown out from birthday cakes

of things we thought we can't live without
and still we breathe a little better now

the sleeps, between wakes
the pause between breaks
the split second sighs
of resignation or relief
that follows the tragic comedy

of knowing the unknown
or waking to the familiar truth you've known all along

Aug 29, 2013

Short cat

she licks her wound in
small, round, clockwise
concentric circles

the scabs have dried into
cold volcanic surfaces
rugged, rusty,  ribbed and rough

a river hardening
in summer, burnt frozen
in place where lakes turn into mud

earnestly, she traces every nook
crevice, flesh on hardened flesh
wet moist tongue flicking on air-dried crust 

as if making out a letter
or tracing out a line or a quote
to make sense from all this french kissing

3:35 PM


ants have been frantic
gnawing on wet shirt sleeves
you can hardly see these scented lines
they follow, an invisible trace

they disappear on earth tone paisley sheets
silently defying gravity on tumbleweed walls
second-storey floors are no feat
when flood water drowns the moist ground

the heat fishes them out in a frenzy
of finding moisture, almost reaching the sky
one or two wards off the path in missionary search
for sugar maybe, and a congo line builds after

lying in bed, once or twice, you feel the distinctive sting
on the soft folds of your arm, scratching off the itch
only to be reddened in blistered annoyance
for something so small to cause this much sensory commotion

Sept. 08, 2013
3:09 PM