"We hide behind sheets of words and sometimes find comfort on wearing them proudly. I have unbowed my bloody head with the things I have killed and revered what I have immortalized. I will continue to shield, maim, murder, pine, ponder and slave over the very words that force itself out of my body but leave its hand clutched on my still beating heart."

-Darrel Pobre

Friday, July 29, 2011

Light Eyes

There a four lights eyeing me now
And I know they have a clue
What this incessant finger-heaving
Of thoughts is about,

They don’t flicker away in nonchalance
Or steal pretentious gazes,
In fact they stare, unfazed
As if in eager calculation, gawking shamelessly

Four lights stare at my fingerless words
As they claw out meaning, tirelessly
On church doors, they can’t clasp
An embrace of a prayer

Trying to turn upwards for alms
or tirelessly cupping your face in reverence
They bang, and tremble
Like cowering pieces of flesh
Bask in harsh illumination

For the world to cast pity on.


I hum away your existence
Like brushing a thought
Or shaking away a memory
There are days when it was easy
To pick you with two fingers
And toss your soiled words
In my head, there are just
Colors and whites
No wools, or lint or rubberized prints
But you stain your way
From my mouth to my favorite shirt
Like hair dye that reeks of oxygenated ego
And my verbs no longer feel like
Linking coherence, with you
Pausing like a comma between every spaces


The sun falls on my palm
Burning a hole through it


When lightning touches sand,
there is a certain anguish to its poetry
as glass, delicate by nature,
is forced to curve and glitter
in crystal motionless immortality
aching to shatter into dust again


Tonight the moon shines the brightest
and all the water in me is rushing
restlessly from shore to sea
erasing, revealing, taunting then shying away
destroying corals into beds of sand
Where I can lie on my back
to have my place in the sky.

We trace stars for two reasons
to remind us who we were
and to chart journeys on these celestial maps
but there is a certain longing
to come home,
or just the feeling of being home
to a memory perhaps
after a long time of voyaging relentlessly
to a sea that knows no music

It rages against a moon
unashamed by its terrestrial flaws
and I am drawn in comfort
washed under this lunar apparition
as all the salt water emptied itself out
to finally bring me to sleep.

The Theory of Constant Motion

there's a dread in things rhythmic
the constant space between sounds
like breathing, the cycle of holding air
and letting out

there a pendulum in my chest
swinging in my rib cage in definite
banging, measured, exact
yet banging none the less

you can hear wings scraping inside bones
just the feather tips touching the rigid
gaps between intercoastal windows
yet like water drops on flat rocks
sometime between now and dinner

a wishbone snaps


ask me to look away
and I will
squint your sunshine lies
and pretend
the stark white words come from
falling between cracks of my sheltered sleep
I like to think
you tuck stray strands of hair
away from my soundless soliloquy
and you listened
with the eagerness of a thirsty traveler
beside a clear bubbling stream
instead i wake up midday
sweat wrapped on sheets and skin
drapes swept aside at eleven in the morning
drenched in glaring sunlight stares
that burns cigarette pockmarks at the back of my neck


It scrapes my skin
poking, in sharp, abrupt blinks
wincing pain
moves me, jerks me
to a rythm
crawling in needle-like pinchers
crab claw clinging
on soft skin
as I swing my arms
to shake it off
the music burns cigarette spots
on my arms, my neck
the soft spot behind my ears
scarless wounds that hurt
all the same
till I burn in a heap
of your moving lights.


there were those lights
between us
we were cramped into a small
space of stares and smoke
prodded by beats and vibrations
and silent whispers that
questions our being together
all those stolen glances
gossip incessantly
in mid-songs,
in the tranqulity of your arms
the chaos of yours eyes
and the stillness of the loud,
horny music
I felt the pure bliss
of being yours
light basking in and through me
music brimming my eyes
bright enough for happiness to appear
as golden glints
and an abandon of self as if drunk
from the touch of your open veins.


Last night I waited
What is it in waiting that turns
minutes to hours and days to lifetime
the drama of darkness stirring
me like a coffee peaking in taste
I wasn't worried or anxious
more like depressed and desperate altogether
and waiting was all I can do
with only the faint glow of a rectangular light
lighting my face
and wisps of unfinished lines and lost words
fading to non-existence
and stroke of my fingers
as if paying homage to a god
encased in clear white crystal.
The coffee stales in silent bitterness.


They hand me your head that day
and your blank face stared back
I imagine what was your last thought
your final word
that ultimate picture that flashes one last time
I never thought it would be this heavy
you had such a light smile
almost bright like a sunburst

Ice Cubes

The dark wooden panel
stood, a field to this nocturnal engagement
marked with restless elbows
and wet from drinks and beer bottles
too careless for coasters.
He heard me buy a drink
From the glass spilled the first faint
whip of intoxicated words
like drinking poetry all at once
it made no sense then
just a feeling of profundity
or was it self-abandonment?
He found words on his face
It unfastened something
like a window allowed my own trickling
till i wonder whether I am bastard
with drunk thoughts or these words a really mine
He said the ice cubes can't help but comment.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


It is a sad thing for someone
so beautiful to have no arms
like standing naked under the sun
while the wind peels your face
in slow, whisks of paper cuts
lines tracing the frame of your eyes
like maps of some far away land
Your innocence is enchanting
and you move in a way that reminds me of
rippling ponds on moonlit nights or
spidercrawl on delicate webs
always a certain grace, a silent gesture
of reaching, almost touching
an alabaster statue on a pedestal
without hands, you exist to be worshipped
set under the prisitine halogen illumination
this celestial imperfecion bears bite marks
at the back of my hand, as you delicately crawl away
on your moonlit, rippling pond.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

One Liter of Sleep

Let me buy you one liter of sleep
It's fascinating, how it funnels down
to mix like gas with water
always eager to disappear
in a solvent, as if in fear of being found

It may not come cheap,
and it lasts only for a few hours
but it keeps the blood viscous
enough to know when to stop
and when to come rushing

You say your dreams are leaking
through your ears,
I don't know how to stop it
I can just see it pool on our silk
pillows cases, and in the morning
I just turn them over and pretend
nothing happened

I have closed my eyes more often
to find myself excruciatingly awake
as if I'm burning from within.

The laundry woman sends her regards.

5:03 AM

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Tonight the moon shines the brightest
and all the water in me is rushing
restlessly from shore to sea
erasing, revealing, taunting then shying away
destroying corals into beds of sand
Where I can lie on my back
to have my place in the sky.

We trace stars for two reasons
to remind us who we were
and to chart journeys on these celestial maps
but there is a certain longing
to come home,
or just the feeling of being home
to a memory perhaps
after a long time of voyaging relentlessly
to a sea that knows no music

It rages against a moon
unashamed by its terrestrial flaws
and I am drawn in comfort
washed under this lunar apparition
as all the salt water emptied itself out
to finally bring me to sleep.

2:56 AM.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


There are nights when lights
melt, unwilling to be carved
that we just let it turn to
Somewhere in the dark
we know dark branches
chisel wind in hopeless
but we enjoy the songs
they make in their insignificant deaths